The source of your identity

by | Oct 24, 2023

The topic of personal identity is a hot one these days.

As people seek to find their identity in many things…

Including their…

… looks.

… number of social media followers.

… accomplishments.

… investments.

… marriage or family situation.

… status or role in life.

… and even their new gender.

But still…

Despite all the seeking…

Finding a secure sense of identity remains elusive for many.

How come?

Why are the masses struggling to find their identity? And know who they are?

I believe the answer is simple…

We have cut ourselves off from the source of our identity.

And have turned an identity into something to achieve rather than something to receive.

Which happens when we forget we are created by God, with a unique design.

If we ignore the truth God made us, we are on our own when it comes to our identity.

And this gets us grasping for an identity wherever we think we can find it.

Constantly searching and striving.

But if you go back to the beginning…

And remember God created you in His image and likeness…

For the purpose of bringing His dominion to our world (Gen. 1:26-28)…

Then you can land on the true source of your identity.

Since your identity is not something you need to attain.

It’s something God has already given you.

And it’s being renewed in Christ day by day.

And from that secure position…

You are free to serve Him with your gifts in His world.

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