The Good of Accomplishment

by | Nov 27, 2023

It is true our accomplishments can become idols. And, none of our accomplishments can make us right with God.

But that doesn’t mean accomplishments are a bad thing. Accomplishments are good!

God had accomplishment in mind when He created the world and made mankind to develop it with Him.

Even man’s sinful rebellion would not stop God in fulfilling this purpose.

This is why He sent His Son, who accomplished His own mission in life with the words “It is finished.”

So don’t diminish the importance of accomplishment.

Accomplishments are God’s way to… fulfill His purpose through you, make you depend on Him, and bear witness to His glory with your gifts and opportunities.

One of my favorite examples of accomplishment is a man named R.G. LeTourneau.

LeTourneau was the inventor of some of the world’s best earth moving equipment.

He used to gain great satisfaction from watching his equipment move 1,500 wheelbarrows of dirt in minutes!

But this is not all…

LeTourneau also used his accomplishments in earth moving as a platform to advance God’s kingdom, start a college, and support a variety of missions.

And He did this all believing he was in a partnership with God.

You too are in a partnership with your Creator.

What would He have you set out to accomplish with Him today? And in the days ahead?

It doesn’t matter if it’s great or small… as long as you’re doing it with Him.

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