The key to staying focused

by | Oct 27, 2023

The flood of info coming at us every day makes staying focused seem impossible.

And if you aren’t careful you can spend your days responding to or pursuing nothing but distractions–

Instead of fulfilling the good works God has ordained for you to do (Eph. 2:10).

But, there is a way to address this.

And that is to remember…

God has commissioned you to rule (Gen. 1:28).

He has entrusted you with various domains to oversee and develop…

… in your personal life, family, work, church, community, etc.

Ask God to give you clarity as to what He wants from you in these areas.

Get a vision regarding your roles.

Then attend to cultivating and keeping these areas as faithfully as you can with your gifts…

While trusting the Lord to work through you for good.

Have confidence God has called you to partner with Him to fulfill a mission… because He has.

This will equip you to filter information, resist distractions, and make decisions about the best use of your time and energy.

It will make you better at saying “No” when you need to.

Staying focused is essential to fulfilling the roles God has for you.

And the key to staying focused is to live as a man who is under orders to rule on behalf of the King.


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