Getting on with the king’s business

by | Dec 4, 2023

I’ve been reading the book of Daniel and noticed a principle worth passing on.

That principle is:

No matter how the happenings around you might perplex you, your duty is to tend to the business God has given you.

Daniel, remember, has a reputation for wisdom and godly insights…

At times, God even gave him the ability to interpret dreams that saved the day (Dan. 2).

But, on other occasions Daniel found himself perplexed, alarmed and worn out by what He saw (Dan. 7 and 8).

What is noteworthy about this is the way he responded…

Daniel didn’t spend his waking moments trying to figure out what He didn’t know or comprehend…

Rather, he rested in knowing God ruled over all… and he got busy with his responsibilities.

As he describes it after one vision…

He was exhausted and sick for days… and then he got up and carried on the king’s business (Dan. 8:27).

Dear reader…

If you are weary of trying to figure out all that bewilders you, let me encourage you to take a page from Daniel…

Rest in the One who is sovereign over individuals, rulers and nations…

Take heart in the truth His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, which no one can destroy…

And get on with the business He has mercifully entrusted you to tend to today.

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