The most Spiritual men among us

by | Aug 10, 2023

People often assume those who are most spiritual pay more attention to the unseen world than the seen.

And this assumption causes many to neglect their God-given responsibilities in the world we live in.

But nowhere does God tell us the unseen world is more spiritual than the seen.

In fact, after creating all that He did, God declared it very good (Gen. 1:31)…

And the New Testament tells us further…

“Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving” (1 Tim.4:4).

Therefore, the truly Spiritual man is not the one who denies physical realities in a quest to become more ethereal.

It is the man who obeys God to rule, cultivate and protect the world in the wisdom and power of the Spirit.

In other words…

The most Spiritual men among us are those who faithfully engage the world as God calls them to…

It is not those seeking to escape the world.

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