The righteous shall live by faith

by | Oct 25, 2023

Recently the MfD board was discussing our progress and challenges as a ministry.

In the conversation, one board member noted how the challenges we are facing are similar to issues everyone is encountering today…

And this leads us back to the need to ‘live by faith’ — along with everyone who desires to live a righteous life before God.

Great point.

And worth pondering.

So often we think…

-The pressure will be off when X happens

-Or we will be able to do more when Y is completed

-And, I will be less grumpy/happier when Z comes through.

Sounds plausible…

But life doesn’t work this way!

Because after X,Y and Z are addressed, new issues always arise.

The challenges never leave.

So we must roll with them, trust God and live by faith.

And when I say ‘live by faith’ I don’t mean adopting a syrupy “don’t worry, everything will be okay” attitude.

Some things are NOT okay and require diligent attention.


I’m talking about trusting the infinite, personal God who is working all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).

… And this includes trusting Him with all those areas of life we’d like to have settled today.

The book of Hebrews tells us how Abraham pursued a city whose architect and builder is God…

Yet he died in faith without receiving the fulness of God’s promise (Heb. 11:10, 13).

As the sons of Abraham, our story is the same.

We will all leave this earth with unfinished business…

But — God will have used us to move His kingdom forward.

So I tell myself and share with you…

Let us enjoy the journey…

As we trust Him more…

Remembering “the righteous shall live by faith…” (Heb. 10:38).

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