The source of direction we need most

by | Jan 18, 2024

We have a great need for direction today.

And getting this direction is critical — for making decisions, avoiding disaster, fulfilling one’s mission, and even experiencing happiness.

Our current trend is to seek experts and follow ‘influencers’ for guidance.

And we suffer for it.

Because the guidance we need most always begins with God’s Word.


The Old Testament has 613 commandments.

And the New Testament has 1050 directives to follow.

Some may see these numbers and wonder, “How am I supposed to follow all of them?”

But the point is:

God’s Word contains lots of direction.

And we are wise to incline ourselves to it.

Today, we tend to ignore God’s law, testimonies and commandments as a source of direction.

Even in the church we don’t talk much about how His precepts apply to our daily circumstances — personally, at home, work, and in society.

Perhaps it’s because we fear legalism.

But none of these commands are a way of salvation.

Rather, they are guides to the life God has for us.

The psalmist says “blessed are those who walk in law the Lord” (Psalm 119:1).

And Jesus — the one in whom we find grace — tells us…

“Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him (Jn. 14:21).”

In a day filled with confusion and blind guides…

Let this encourage you to turn to God’s Word and His commands as your number one source of direction.

His sayings “are life to those who find them…” (Pr. 4:22).

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