The Virtuous Man: A biblical standard for manhood

by | Mar 14, 2025

7 Traits from Job…

In a world where appearances often take priority over substance, we need true virtue more than ever.

The Bible provides a clear picture of what this looks like in Job.

Reflect on these 7 key traits of the virtuous man:

1. Fears God and Rejects Evil (Job 1:1)

A virtuous man’s life begins with reverence for God and a commitment to avoiding sin.

2. Leads with Integrity (Job 29:14)

His character is his covering. He doesn’t compromise his values.

3. Defends the Weak (Job 29:12-16)

A virtuous man uses his strength to protect those who cannot defend themselves.

4. Leads His Household Well (Job 1:5)

He spiritually shepherds his family, interceding for them regularly.

5. Does Not Trust in Wealth (Job 31:24-25)

His hope is in God, not material success.

6. Remains Faithful Under Trial (Job 1:20-22)

A virtuous man’s faith doesn’t waver during hardships.

7. Protects His Purity (Job 31:1)

He makes a covenant with his eyes, guarding himself from impurity.

These are the traits that define true masculinity—not superficial appearances, but a life of integrity, strength, and faithfulness.

Have you made this your pursuit?

With God’s help, may we all!

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