The way to a hope-filled life

by | Aug 19, 2024

Nothing worthwhile is ever attempted or accomplished without hope.

But we all can lose hope easily.

Personal problems, family struggles, work challenges, societal issues, financial pressures, health concerns, and more…

Any one of these can drain your hope and keep you from moving forward.

Yet we can sustain our hope—no matter what—when we realize that hope is the fruit of a growing character.

Consider this passage from Romans 5:

“…trouble brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (3b-5).

Note the progression:

Trouble leads to perseverance.

Perseverance leads to proven character.

And proven character leads to hope.

To summarize:

Hope springs from character.

Weak character, weak hope; strong character, strong hope.

The practical takeaway is to view every problem as an opportunity to grow in character.

As you do, your hope will increase.

And the promise that comes with it is that this hope will not disappoint…

Because it’s rooted in the love God pours into our hearts through His Spirit.

Facing your problems as character-building experiences is the way to a hope-filled life.

It’s also the path to deepening your understanding of God’s love for you.

As you steadfastly pursue the calling and goals He has for you.

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