All men want control over their lives.
We especially like clear goals and the ability to reach them.
But here’s a truth that applies to all of us:
You cannot rule your life well if sin rules over you.
Many men try to build discipline, make wise decisions, and take responsibility—while allowing sin to remain in control.
That’s a losing battle.
Take heart from this truth:
Sin is no longer your master. You are not its slave.
So, “Consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:11).
This is where true life-management begins.
Not with better habits or stronger willpower–but with rejecting sin’s dominion and walking in the freedom Christ secured for you.
If you are in Christ, embrace it.
Live it out.
Refuse to let sin have power over your thoughts, words, and actions.
Bring every area of life under His rule—your time, your work, your relationships, and your desires.
This is how to function as a man who rules well.
What part of your life needs to die to sin today and come alive in Christ?