What are you doing to build your legacy?

by | Aug 18, 2023

My wife and I had our first grandchild last month. Praise God!

When I held him for the first time it reminded me how fearfully and wonderfully made we are.

But something else struck me…

I got thinking more seriously about my legacy.

There’s something about holding your own flesh and blood two generations down that gets you pondering the kind of mark you’ll leave on the world after you’re gone.

These days we don’t pay much attention to the generations to come.

Yet we should…

Because a big part of our own role in God’s dominion mandate will be fulfilled via those we’ve influenced–and especially our offspring.

So consider what you’re doing to build your legacy…

This involves…

-How you choose to use your hours, unique gifts and experience, and money

-The ways you engage the world socially, politically and spiritually

-And especially what you’re doing to be a light to the people in your life

Give thought to the values you want to imprint on the world with your remaining days.

And let a long-term vision of a godly, kingdom-building legacy affect your choices today.

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations” (Dt. 7:9).

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