According recent brain research…
The average person spends 46% of their time with their brain in default mode.
In this default mode we do things like…
Feel bad about ourselves, worry, entertain distractions, contemplate temptations, nurse resentments, worry some more, et cetera.
The alternative to this is to have our brains in a directive mode.
In this mode…
We take hold of our thoughts in more constructive activities…
Which might include prayer, meditation, creating a vision for doing good, planning, problem solving, engaging some project, etc.
A key part of getting dominion and fulfilling the purpose God has for you is to put off the default mode and put on the directive mode.
And do this with your mind as a matter of practice.
So much of life we have little control over.
But with the Spirit’s help…
We can get better at destroying speculations and taking our thoughts captive to the obedience of King Jesus (2 Cor. 10:5)..
We can overcome the destructive aspects of our default thinking.
And be in a much better place to accomplish what God has for us as we direct our thoughts in the way they should go.
Lord, help us to watch over our our hearts and minds.