Football season is currently wrapping up with championship games.
Now, if you’re a football fan, you know the way a game is coached depends on what quarter the game is in.
And you understand a coach will call plays differently in the first quarter than in the fourth quarter.
But what you might not have thought about much is that the same thing applies to how you approach your life.
That is, the choices you make about how you live your life depends on what quarter you’re in.
And these choices will contribute to both the quality and effect of your life — including your impact on God’s kingdom for generations.
So consider where you’re at in life right now, and strategize accordingly.
The following age scheme might help you…
-First quarter (0-24): Explore, get experience, discover what you like and are good at.
-Second quarter (24-45): Hone your skills, get training and mentoring, develop friendships.
-Third quarter (46 to 65): Produce across the various domains of your life. And seek to do it wisely… without burning out… with the help of a ‘band of brothers.’
-Fourth quarter (65 and over): Work on your legacy. Answer the question, “What do I want to leave the world through the time I have left?” And make choices that reflect your answer.
My age breakdowns here may seem arbitrary.
And there’s definitely some overlap with each phase.
But I trust you get the idea…
And see it makes sense to approach your life according to where you’re at on the clock.
So figure out what quarter you’re in and work your game plan.