What’s your operating system?

by | Oct 17, 2023

What is it that guides the direction and execution of your daily activities?

Is it…

-Getting through your to-do list?

-Maximizing pleasure or minimizing pain?

-Making money?

-Staying out of trouble?

-Or maybe just surviving?

These are the operating systems many live by.

But God has something bigger and more profound to serve as the backdrop of all you do…

He’s fearfully and wonderfully made you (Ps. 139:14)…

So you would faithfully develop all He has entrusted to your care (Mt. 25:14-30)…

And leave a legacy for generations (Ex. 20:6).

As a partaker of His glory (1 Cor. 10:31)!

The world, flesh and the devil act as malware or viruses to make this difficult.

Yet God gives us grace to wipe clean our platform and function as He intends every day.

So take a moment to evaluate the system you are operating under.

And make it your habit to work within God’s design for you.

It’s better than getting a new phone or computer.

Because it’s what brings fulfillment and fruitfulness to life — from the perspective of eternity.

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