Your place in God’s story

by | Nov 30, 2023

The history of creation, the fall, and redemption is one unfolding story.

And the quality of a man’s life depends on him seeing how he fits in that story.

For a man with no story, life is drudgery.

And for a man seeking to craft his own story, life is futility.

But for the man who walks with God in His unfolding story, life is a glorious and meaningful adventure.

And every day we get to enter His story by trusting and obeying Him in the places He calls us.

As we make this our habit, the day will come when we can look back with satisfaction…

… knowing that God has written our story in a way that’s best for us and for His kingdom.

Your story may have many twists and turns and highs and lows, but the good Lord oversees them all.

Enjoy your part in following Him in His grand narrative today.

“The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Pr. 16:9).

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