Not just a partner—a co-warrior in God’s kingdom…
Men, how do you see your wife?
Peter Leithart recently pointed out that when God created Eve, He called her ‘ezer.
This term means much more than “helper.” It carries military connotations.
Eve was made to be Adam’s battle-mate, a co-warrior in the great struggle between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15).
Proverbs 31 reinforces this.
The “excellent wife” is described with words used for warriors.
She “girds herself with strength” (v. 17), “laughs at the future” (v. 25), and “takes plunder” (v. 11).
Her work—whether in the home, the marketplace, or the community—is cast in heroic terms because she is engaged in God’s holy war.
Too many men think of their wives as just household managers, sources of pleasure, or, worse, as afterthoughts—forgetting that they are co-warriors in God’s kingdom.
She is a fellow soldier. A woman on the front lines of God’s kingdom work.
Husbands, honor and engage your wife as a co-warrior.
Lead her. Fight the good fight alongside her. Encourage her in the battle.
Because as you see her as God sees her, not only will your marriage be stronger—so will God’s kingdom.