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Jesus humiliated for you
Any kind of humiliation that takes place should get our attention. And especially so if it's the humiliation of Jesus. Theologians call Christ's...
The King’s way to advance His kingdom
When Jesus entered Jerusalem the people hailed Him as a king. And this was fitting, because He came as their King... In direct fulfillment of Old...
Rejecting socialism is the loving thing to do
Socialism has made vast inroads in society over the past years. Even in the church. This has largely happened in the name of compassion. But I...
What to do in times of turmoil
I will meditate on Your precepts and contemplate Your ways. ~Psalm 119:15 When you read the 119th Psalm it's clear it was written during a time of...
Faithfulness comes down to the details
Faithfulness has to do with specifics. It gets down to the explicit things God wants us to do--or not do. In other words... You can't claim to...
Core beliefs to keep before you
Beliefs drive behavior. Unfortunately, we aren't always conscious of what we believe. So we must take care to stay aware of our core beliefs every...
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